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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wordle Saab

Wordle is a tool creating "word clouds" from texts or websites or blogs with RSS feeds. It scans a text or feed and creates pictures from words highlighted according to frequency of use and most probably other things. It is not new, but still very fresh looking and capable of creating very nice pictures. Carefully selected fonts and color combinations. The author Jonathan Feinberg placed a lot of work in it.

So I've tried to wordle a bit on Saab's websites and the large fansites and blogs i know and have some nice wordles for you.

Wordle from Saab facebook fan page

This is Saabs official facebook fan page. Fine, that it works with Wordle.

RSS feed from

This is the RSS news feed from the international version of The itself is in flash, but it provides a link to rss.

This is A bit less words, but it depoends heavily on the configuration of the feed. Simple and to the point :), the german fansite looks completely different.

Wordle of

RSS feed of

Wordle from

... and my little Saabism.

I preferred the black background but you can configure a lot by yourself in the Wordle.

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